Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog 6

PART ONE: These ads are credible assets for my project because I am doing my project on what Romney and Obama’s televisions ads focus on. The candidate that put the ad out has approved all of the videos I have chosen to use in my project. The ad Failing the American Workers lets the audience know that Romney is determined to bring jobs back to the United States. The purpose of this source is to get the audience to believe that China is to blame for the economic and unemployment situation that America is in and Obama could have stopped it, so clearly he must not be suitable to lead the US anymore since he will not stop China even though they are “cheating”. The video appears to be credible because at the end of the video is says “Paid For Romney For President, Inc. Approved by Mitt Romney, so clearly these are his ideas since he approves the video. I think that the information is believable since at the end it says approved by Mitt Romney and especially if a Republican is watching the video I think they would be quick to believe it since cheaters is used multiple times. This makes the audience feel like they need to support the US and also to stop China from cheating. The medium of this source is through the television or over the Internet. Public Venue: YouTube The ad Believe In Our Future, Mitt Romney is a credible source because its purpose to inform the audience of Romney’s accomplishments as a businessman, leading the Olympics, and as Governor of Massachusetts. It tells the audience why he is qualified to be the President of the United States of America. I think that the information is believable because there are quotes from people and articles that are used to support the claims made in the video. Also the ad appears to be credible because at the end of the video is says “Paid For Romney For President, Inc. Approved by Mitt Romney, so clearly these are his ideas since he approves the video. The medium of the source is television and the Internet. Public Venue: YouTube The ad Ian’s Letter: Dear Mr. President focuses on a child and the hard times he has faced since his father went on two tours to Iraq. The letter that he wrote to Obama is a thank you letter telling him that he is so grateful that his dad was able to return safely to the US since, Obama was able to end the war. It definitely plays with the emotion of the viewer since the ad is through the point of view of a child. It also informs the audience that ending the Iraq War is one of Obama’s accomplishments as President of the US. This ad was found on Obama’s campaign page, so it seems to be a credible source since the President chose to put it on his website. The medium of this source is television and the Internet. Public Venue: YouTube The ad Women’s Voices-Join Women for Obama there are many celebrities in this video. All of the celebrities are women and they discuss why they believe that Obama is a stronger advocate for women’s rights than Romney. I think that this information appears believable since Beyonce is in it and is on the BarakObamadotcom YouTube channel. The medium of this source is television and the Internet. Public Venue: YouTube I do not think that my sources are diverse when they stand alone, but each source shows how each presidential candidate would like Americans to see them and also informs the audience about their accomplishments and their stances on political issues. PART 2: All of my sources are Original Assets and all fall under Fair Use since I am using this for educational purposes and I do not need permission to include the videos in my project. PART 3: I chose to cite my sources in MLA format. Obama, Barack. "Ian’s Letter: ‘Dear Mr. President’." 1 Oct. 2012. YouTube. 33 Oct 2012. Obama, Barack. "Women’s Voices – Join Women For Obama." 1 Oct. 2012. YouTube. 3 Oct 2012. Romney, Mitt. "Believe In Our Future." 31 Jul. 2012. YouTube. 3 Oct. 2012. Romney, Mitt. "Failing American Workers." 13 Sep. 2012. YouTube. 3 Oct. 2012.

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